Albany County, WY

2023 Campaign Materials Request Form

If you would like to schedule a United Way presentation for your business or organization, please use this booking link.

Request Campaign Materials

Request marketing materials for the United Way 2023 Campaign.

Would you like Campaign materials for your office or group? Please fill out this form to request materials and let us know how we can assist you.
Address (if you would like to have campaign materials mailed to you)
Address (if you would like to have campaign materials mailed to you)
Please send me United Way 2023 Campaign materials:
The print materials we would like for our workplace campaign are:

Maximum file size: 516MB

Will you be picking up your campaign materials or would you prefer to have them delivered?
Please provide any additional delivery information in the text box provided.
Would you like a United Way donation coinbox for your business/organization?
Will you be picking up your Coinbox or would you prefer to have it delivered?
Would you like to contact United Way about payroll deductions for your business/organization?