Volunteer Opportunities in Albany County
Is there any better way to give back to your community than through volunteering? We think not.
Here is a list of various volunteer opportunities in Albany County from local non-profits and organizations. In January of 2022, our community mobilized MLK Day as a Day of Service, where everyone was urged to become a volunteer. MLK Day of Service is meant to be a “day ON, not a day off.” Honor King every holiday through helping create a stronger and more resilient community that makes everyone feel welcome.
“The time is always right to do what is right.” -Martin Luther King Jr.
Interested in working with youth?
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wyoming
Volunteer to be a long-term mentor for a child! BBBS knows that to help children succeed they need to have someone in their corner. You can be that person! Visit: https://bbbswyo.org/volunteer/.
Developmental Preschool & Day Care Center
Volunteer positions available for all! They also work with educational institutions to provide students with observation experiences and internships. Contact (307) 742-6374 or visit https://albany.wyokids.org/.
Cathedral Home Community Programs
Sign up to become an Advocate in Action! You’ll help ensure that Albany County youth and their families have resources they need to thrive. Contact development@nullcathedralhome.org to learn more on how to connect! Check out: https://www.cathedralhome.org/.
Interested in addressing hunger?
Laramie Soup Kitchen
Help with food preparation, serving, and keeping the space clean and safe for their guests. Must first fill out application and provide proof of Covid-19 vaccination.
More information can be found at: www.laramiesoupkitchen.org/volunteer
Laramie Interfaith
This organization focuses on providing food and rental assistance. As a volunteer you can assist with the food pantry, food deliveries, cleaning, and other office duties.
Visit www.laramieinterfaith.org/get-involved or call 307-742-4240 for more information!
Interested in volunteering for your local government? 

Apply to be on a local Board and Commission for the City of Laramie or Albany County government! Put your expertise, passions, and knowledge to use when you volunteer for a Board and Commission.
For County positions visit: https://www.co.albany.wy.us/334/Board-Openings-Vacancies. Please contact the County Clerk at 307-721-2544 with any questions.
For City positions visit: www.cityoflaramie.org/boardsandcommissions. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 307-721-5220 with any questions.
Interested in creating a resilient community for all?
Family Promise of Albany County
Help families in need in the community by volunteering to:
- Assist with Family Promise’s Diaper & Hygiene Pantry
- Bring a meal for families in shelter
Contact (307) 742-6480 or Info@nullFPAlbanyCounty.org. Visit: https://fpalbanycounty.org/.
My Front Door
Interested in reducing poverty and helping everyone in our community find a home? Then you’ll love working with My Front Door. Their mission is to assist people obtain home ownership. Contact (307) 514-5831 or visit https://www.myfrontdoor.org/ for more information on volunteering!
Interested in creating a compassionate community for the elderly and sick?
Hospice of Laramie
Volunteer to be a patient companion volunteer where you’ll run errands, provide respite care, and companionship. Or become a community volunteer where you’ll help with events and clerical tasks at Hospice. Visit: https://hospiceoflaramie.org/volunteer-with-hospice/ or call 307.745.9254
Eppson Center for Seniors
Volunteer to aid elderly folks in the community. Teach fitness classes, provide meal entertainment, serve meals, deliver meals, assist in the office, and more!
Learn more at https://www.eppsoncenter.org/volunteers. Fill out an application and send it to activities@nulleppsoncenter.org.
Interested in volunteering during emergency situations?
American Red Cross of Wyoming
Red Cross provides relief to victims of disasters, and helps people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies! You can help with their mission:
- Disaster Action Team (DAT) Volunteer-Respond to emergencies
- Red Cross Mass Care/Shelter Volunteer-Help provide emergency shelter during a disaster
- Disaster Health & Disaster Mental Health Volunteers-Assist with mental health calls during an emergency
- Public Affairs Volunteer-Promote Red Cross to the community
- Red Cross Youth Club Volunteer-Mentor youth members and coordinate Red Cross activities in your local area.
For more information about any of these volunteer opportunities, please call (307) 638-8906 or visit https://www.redcross.org/local/wyoming.html!
Interested in creating a healthy community?
Laramie Reproductive Health
Dedicated to providing affordable and quality reproductive and sexual healthcare. Opportunities for volunteering, internships, and being on the volunteer board are available. Contact info@nulllaramiereproductivehealth.org or visit https://laramiereproductivehealth.org/ for more information.
Downtown Clinic
Community volunteers assist with reception, eligibility determination, social work, client intake, pharmacy, Patient Assistance Program, electronic records, and Spanish interpreting. Contact laramiedtc@nullgmail.com, call 307-745-8445, or visit https://www.downtownclinic.org/!
Interested in empowering our community?
SAFE Project
SAFE supports survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and family violence. You can assist with answering the on-call phone for 24-hour Hotline. First, you must complete a state-mandated 40-hour training.
Contact volunteer@nullsafeproject.org or visit https://www.safeproject.org/volunteer-opportunities
Laramie Pride Fest
Every June, Laramie celebrates its LGBTQ+ community with a series of amazing events, including Pride in the Park, evening events, a city proclamation, and a march. These events are only possible because of amazing volunteers, and you can be one of them. Simply email Laramie.PrideFest@nullgmail.com or use the Google form linked below to express interest! Fill out their form: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1We2_7MmY9EJOGvZ1rhAbSE2b2e1xOnpZMPr_kgrBZq8/edit?usp=sharing
Interested in volunteering long-term?
Check out Serve Wyoming’s programs such as AmeriCorps and Volunteer Wyoming!
These organizations are strictly focused on volunteerism! AmeriCorps members do a wide range of tasks. They recruit, train, and supervise community volunteers, tutor and mentor youth, build affordable housing, teach computer skills, clean parks and streams, run after-school programs, help communities respond to disasters, and build the capacity of nonprofit groups to become self-sustaining, among many other activities.
Volunteer Wyoming is a hub for volunteer opportunities listed all over the state. You can find many opportunities in your region through using this tool!
Visit: https://www.servewyoming.org/ and https://www.volunteerwyoming.org/
Visit the University of Wyoming’s Volunteer Hub!
Volunteer Hub is a website that brings together Laramie nonprofits, University of Wyoming students, faculty, staff, as well as community members. Through this website users can browse a list of Laramie-area organizations, reply to active volunteer opportunities, and create a record of their volunteer hours and activities. Some opportunites listed are long-term, while some events last only one day.
This program is open to the entire community, you do not need to be affiliated with the University.
Check out: Volunteer Hub (galaxydigital.com)
Interested in volunteering to protect and help animals in need?
Home on the Range Animal Haven
Help and care for local barn animals in need, such as goats and donkeys! Contact (307) 760-4753 or visit https://www.laramiehomeontherange.org/ for more information!
Laramie Animal Welfare Society
LAWS has many ways to volunteer! Contact (307) 460-3775 or visit https://www.laramieanimals.org/ for more information!
- Volunteer to assist in shelter-Clean and socialize with animals
- TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return/Rehome) Partners
- Junior Volunteers-Opportunity for kids age 13-17
- Compassionate Volunteers/Fosters-Care for an animal short term
Interested in volunteering with a faith-based organization?
Albany County has many local churches that may offer some sort of volunteer activities. Contact your church to get involved!
Laramie Connections is another great place to find religious volunteer opportunities! Check them out at https://www.laramieconnections.com/ or contact info@nulllaramieconnections.com.
Interested in protecting the environment?
Plan a neighborhood trash pick up with your family and friends! Even something simple like picking up trash can make a huge difference.
Volunteer Opportunities for Kids:
Check with your local school district and community children’s clubs such as Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts on how to get involved and potential volunteer opportunities!
Unable to volunteer in person?
Don’t have time or feel uncomfortable volunteering in person? Here are other ways to get involved from a far:
- Volunteer virtually-Many organizations need online assistance. Activities can include tasks such as transcribing for a museum, assisting with a text crisis line, and more!
- Consider giving a monetary donation! Many of the organizations listed above accept donations and greatly appreciate any amount.
The MLK Donation Drive that occured 1/17/22-1/21/22 has officially concluded! Thank you to all the generous community members who donated. The items listed below have been donated to United Way Community Partner non-profits.
Items received:
- 125 Childrens books
- 75 Toiletry items
- 60+ Canned food items
- 55 After-school snacks for youth
- 50 Shelf stable food items
- 35 Reusable masks
- 10 Sets of crafts
- 8 Warm clothes items
- 7 Puzzle sets
- 6 Hygiene items
- 4 Grocery cards
- 1 Case of bottled water